Peace Anywhere Project

Peace Anywhere Project engages students in secure facilities in a values-based intervention aimed at sustainable change from the inside out.

This initiative focuses on developing the motivation, knowledge, and skills needed to regulate behavior and promote peace, with an emphasis is on overcoming social and motivational barriers to behavior change. The intervention integrates four empirically-supported components:  1) framing in acceptance, autonomy, and empowerment, 2) values clarification and affirmation, 3) prosocial identity development, and 4) practice of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) skills. This approach aims to reduce violent behavior in the short term, and create a sustainable, long-term impact on behavior, ultimately increasing desistance and reducing recidivism. The initial pilot of this program is being implemented and evaluated now through the use of pre- and post- data.

Want to learn more?

We offer custom de-escalation workshops!

We work with groups to create and facilitate individualized de-escalation workshops for all ages and settings, including schools and student groups, faith communities, pride organizations, employee groups, and more. Let’s collaborate to create something that works for you! Complete the form below or email Frankie to learn more.